The Registration of the call-sign:
1. Select "Registration log".
2. Insert your call-sign,
then type your e-mail, password and confirm password again.
3. Insert the information about your QTH (number of IOTA, state, province, etc).
You may leave this field empty, if you work from different
4. Insert your name.
5. Click "Registration".
Load into on-line log :
1. Select "Upload ADIF log ".
2. Insert your call-sign,
then password and click "Log in".
3. Insert the information about your QTH in field "Enter district:" (number of IOTA, state, province, etc).
You may leave this field empty, if you work from the same region, and you already have indicated this region at registrations.
4. Click "Browse" opposite "Upload ADIF log (max size 2Mb) :"
and indicate the path to ADIF-file, which you have unloaded from your log. Maximum size of the ADIF-file for uploading - 2 Mb.
If size of the ADIF-file more than 2 Mb, please divide it on few parts in any text editor (WordPad, etc).
5. Click "Upload" and wait some time, depending on the size of file, then will appear the information
about the size of the uploaded file.
6. Pass to the main page and check up the amount of connections and date of the last upload opposite your call-sign.
Search QSO in on-line log :
1. Click on any call-sign .
2. Insert your (or any) call-sing into window and click "Search".
3. All of connections will be shown out with this call-sign.
Please register just your own call sign (without any slashes). You can upload all your QSOs in your log even though you worked from other
region, district, state or province.
For example, your own log is UA3LPF. You may upload all QSOs, if you worked as UA3LPF/4, /M, /P and so on.
The version of ADIF-file must be 2.0 and contains minimum of following fields:
<QSO_DATE:*> - date of QSO;
<TIME_ON:*> or <TIME_OFF:*> - time in UTC
(but not available to searching for another users);
<CALL:*> - call-sing of corresponder;
<BAND:*> - band;
<MODE:*> - mode;
<OPERATOR:*> - your call-sign, which was used for connections;
(instead of "asterisk" - a numeral, amount of signs after each field)
There is no need to use any other fields in ADIF file.
Maximum size of the ADIF-file for uploading - 2 Mb. If size of the ADIF-file more than 2 Mb, please divide it on few parts in any text
editor (WordPad, etc).
There is not a necessity to load all of QSOs each time. It is enough to upload new connections only.
You can edit or erase any QSO in your log ("Upload ADIF log" --> Enter your login & password --> "View/Edit/Delete MyLog" --> select "Edit"
or "Delete" opposite the chosen line).
Also you may clear all of information from your log ("Upload ADIF log" --> Enter your login & password --> "Administrate log" --> select
"Clear all log" then click "Done").