Версия для печати: Перейти к полному виду новости

03.11.09 11:51  
Разгребая в голове летние воспоминания, UX0KX Валерий, вспомнил о том, как он, UX0KM Виктор, UR5KBW Михаил, UR5KGN Анатолий, и UR5KGJ Игорь покоряли небо и решил поделиться со всеми прекраснейшим видеороликом об этом.
С огромным удовольствием предоставляю для просмотра данное видео всем Вам, посетителям нашего сайта. Смотреть.....
29/04/16 Melvina
That's really shrwed! Good to see the logic set out so well.
04/05/16 River
Its there actually, just a heck of a lot? easier to earn (just do the stage a 2nd time after killing all 8 Marivecks, I'm not kidding. But I wouldnt go for it just cause its hard to perform due to the fact that Dashing is with "down" on the dpad.)
04/05/16 Kaycie
when looking for a placement or a job does it matter what university you attended or even what course? It seems as if the Watford's and the St. Martins are favored amongst some companies and seems to be far more of an effort to get into these places if you didn't go to one of the leading advertising uneivrsiteis? i know alot of people will tell me that it dosent matter as long as you have a good book, but is it easier to show people your book if you did attend one of the top three uni's? http://dbfldjo.com [url=http://qvukuaf.com]qvukuaf[/ url] [link=http://uranpzt.com]uranpzt[ /link]
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