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07.04.08 14:06 Чемпионат Украины SSB
Телефонный Чемпионат Украины - с 20-00 по 23-59 UTC 12 апреля 2008 г. на диапазонах
160 и 80 метров в два тура по два часа.
Первый тур: с 20-00 по 21-59 UTC, второй тур: с 22.00 по 23.59 UTC.
Нумерация связей в обоих турах сквозная.

Категории участников - SO MB, SO SB, MO MB (1 TX).
Читать подробно ..............
29/04/16 Jennah
These topics are so connsuifg but this helped me get the job done.
30/04/16 Della
(A)wesome post...your posts are always so creative!(B)elly and booty jil.igng..ghmm..I have a pair of TekGear capris that I love that I actually got at Kohls!You are going to love (C)olorado! I live in Denver and love it here. Beaver Creek will be so beautiful when you're here.
04/05/16 Azia
Whoever wrote this is not correctly looking at a Gshock, When have you seen a rolex tell you the tide and the moon phase nevber rite. All a stupid rolex does is tell time. On the contrary the G shock is Stop watch, world clock and a moon phase. Just because you cant get a Gshock dosent mean you must make a horribkle article like th33Rs0;Ri0;..
04/05/16 Suzyn
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